Waiting For Your Haul…

Brown Parcel

I don’t think I’m the only one who experiences this. At least, I’m pretty sure that I’m not.

When I say this, I mean the anticipation that heightens when they say your packaging is shipping and then some more for a few more days, and then you slowly begin to forget about it.

Then, 3-8 weeks later (Or however long it takes to come…because even though some sites say 2-6 weeks, it never comes in 2 weeks, so…), when it finally comes, there’s that split second of confusion where you wonder why the heck you got a package in the mail.

And then you remember what it is, and you get really really excited.

Then you open it, happily going through the contents (And maybe even getting thrilled over a few samples), and arranging them on your dresser or wherever you put your stuff.

And then, a few months (Or maybe even less…) later, you make another haul. And the process repeats.

Anyways, I’m pretty sure this is what I’m going through right now. I ordered gifts for friends online, and I can’t wait for them to come. And I’m a little paranoid about the unreliability of shipping at the times when I actually need it to be reliable the most (I.e. for gifts and whatnot), so I always order extra early.

So…just another one of my random thoughts. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your days…I’ll just go about mine, occasionally blogging about it.

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